Friendships with short “legs”.

In the “Hmmmm— that didn’t last long” department, I just had a friendship of a couple of days evaporate into thin air. To be sure, I’m not surprised and was kind of expecting it after today’s exchange of messages.

Somebody named “Zamba” this time around. Her first message to me said she had something private and important to discuss so she gave me her email address so we could discuss it there.

Now, as it happens I’ve learned caution, so before I exchange emails with a barely known I want to have a general idea of what I’m walking into. Her sudden disappearance kind of tells me what I needed to know— no specifics of course, but the general idea that there’s something not quite right.

So— here it is: I’m not as dumb as I look. Been around the block a couple of times, especially where young ladies who want to scam men are concerned. I’ll figure it out even before the scam goes very far— in this case, asking for email addresses in the first PM is a huge red flag— it’s kinda hard to miss. For that reason I’m not surprised if/that she’s gone, because if she’s running that on me she did it to others too— got spotted, got dumped. Til next time…

Quickie visit

I visit here on an irregular basis, but now seems as good a time as any to add a little to this blog. Note that this isn’t my main effort– for that I use my WordPress blog and even there I seem to be infrequent. 


Maybe I’ll do something to bring both blogs up. It just might be worth it to link both of them, after all. 

Steady as she goes…..