Still here.

I’m still around, checking in every now and then.


Seems I might have a little more time to do that, strangely enough. One site I frequent appears to be under DoS attack, this has been going on a couple of days. Another site just went dark without apparent explanation. Still another site I’ve had a falling-out with, (my choice, I’ve left them) so I won’t be spending much time there either. So, right now it’s here, my WordPress blog, a forum that may or may not have “staying power” and the odd You-Tube videos— as well as my rather erratic work schedule (expedited freight being what it is, erratic is the only way to describe any kind of “schedule” involved with this).

Maybe I’ll give this blog a gentle shove and see if I can do anything worthwhile with it. Maybe not. I’ll see how it goes day by day.