A couple of technical points

I’ve been reading the stream here and have become aware that it is impossible to edit comments here. It is, further, not possible for the blogger to delete comments here, and — in my opinion based on experience– that is a very bad design flaw.

Over on WordPress.com, I have been hit with spambot comments pretty hard. The ability to delete comments that consist of little more than boilerplate designed to get the commenter’s link on your blog is priceless. These blogs are running pretty quiet right now because they’re so new the factory wax is still on the system, but mark my words– as soon as these blogs get some time on them they WILL get found by the spammers, and in that day you can bet that the ability to delete spam comments will be a godsend you can’t do without. So— how soon until we get effective spam-fighting tools?


Editing one’s own comment is another thing that should have been from the first. Everybody suffers from hoof-in-mouth disease once in awhile, the ability to go back and effectively take back what you wrote can be worth its weight in gold. It’s worth considering adding this to our blogs as soon as that can happen.

Just a thought, maybe the powers-that-be here might want to consider these things.

4 Replies to “A couple of technical points”

  1. It might be. I seriously doubt that I invented the idea, I merely mentioned it on this blog. Now as it happens I saw it earlier in the feed, so that’s where I got it from.

    We need a delete key, and we need at least the ability to edit our own comments. Right now, I can edit my blog– but, I cannot edit my own comment to my blog once it’s posted.

  2. Completely agree. In the interim, it’s probably prudent to carefully edit your own comments “before” hitting the “post” button, given the nature of the beast as it currently exists. 🙁

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