Opening shots

This being the opening post of my efforts here, I reckon I should say something.

Truth, I don’t fancy doing a lot here on this blog because my main effort is on WordPress these days. See here for that: . But, since I am here too, we’ll try to do a few things. Photos will start shifting over here because I’m a little less than pleased with where I have them now. Not sure if I’ll engage the forums here or not, that remains to be seen. This post here is mainly a “Howdy” post so my friends from  MyOpera can find me a little easier. Howsomever, at this point I feel very much like a man with a stick walking out onto the ice, probing with the stick to see if the ice will support him or if the ice is likely to break under his weight. There’s not a lot of “MyOpera” related stuff that looks any too “safe” right now if you catch my drift.

Til later….. Michael McMillan

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